Hi, How are you?
I was just informed that the semester exam starts this Monday (Jan 19). It seems that it comes much more earlier than what we all have expected.
Regarding who is going to mark your RP, until now I have not been informed of any changes. Meaning that I am still in the charge of the job. Thus, unless there will be a change, it's me that will mark your RP. So, please email me the complete version of your RP (Chapter I, II, and III) as soon as possible. This way, you avoid problems of incomplete academic records that might cause you unnecessary delays in your academic progress in the future.
Yes, There is one chapter left to be discussed (Chapter III: Research Method). Here is an excerpt from a web link on the issue. Please click the title of this posting (above) for the complete version.
Good luck.
Method and Research Design
The method section answers these two main questions:
1. How was the data collected or generated?
2. How was it analyzed?
In other words, it shows your reader how you obtained your results.
But why do you need to explain how you obtained your results?
 | We need to know how the data was obtained because the method affects the results. For instance, if you are investigating users' perceptions of the efficiency of public transport in Bangkok, you will obtain different results if you use a multiple choice questionnaire than if you conduct interviews. Knowing how the data was collected helps the reader evaluate the validity and reliability of your results, and the conclusions you draw from them. |
 | Often there are different methods that we can use to investigate a research problem. Your methodology should make clear the reasons why you chose a particular method or procedure. |
 | The reader wants to know that the data was collected or generated in a way that is consistent with accepted practice in the field of study. For example, if you are using a questionnaire, readers need to know that it offered your respondents a reasonable range of answers to choose from (asking if the efficiency of public transport in Bangkok is "a. excellent, b. very good or c. good" would obviously not be acceptable as it does not allow respondents to give negative answers). |
 | The research methods must be appropriate to the objectives of the study. If you perform a case study of one commuter in order to investigate users' perceptions of the efficiency of public transport in Bangkok, your method is obviously unsuited to your objectives. |
 | The methodology should also discuss the problems that were anticipated and explain the steps taken to prevent them from occurring, and the problems that did occur and the ways their impact was minimized. |
 | In some cases, it is useful for other researchers to adapt or replicate your methodology, so often sufficient information is given to allow others to use the work. This is particularly the case when a new method had been developed, or an innovative adaptation used.
COMMON PROBLEMS  | irrelevant detail |  | unnecessary explanation of basic procedures | Remember that you are not writing a how-to guide for beginners. Your readers will be people who have a level of expertise in your field and you can assume that they are familiar with basic assessments, laboratory procedures etc, so do not explain these in detail. For example: "Total chlorophyll content (microgram/gram vegetable tissue) was determined spectrophotometrically by the Anderson and Boardman method (1964), as adapted by Barth et al., (1992)" (Barth et al., 1993). Notice that the authors do not explain the Anderson and Boardman method (we can assume it is known in their field of study) nor their own previous adaptation of it (because the adaptation has already been recorded in the work they published in 1992). However they do record in detail their own procedures that have not been previously recorded: "At each time interval, three replicates/treatment were taken, ground (stem and florets) with a Kitchen-Aid grinder Model K5-A and used for determination of reduced ascorbic acid" (Barth et al., 1993). Notice that they specify the equipment used because it could affect the results.  | problem blindness | Most of us encounter some problems when collecting or generating our data. Do not ignore significant problems or pretend they did not occur. Often, recording how you overcame obstacles can form an interesting part of the methodology, and means you can also give a rationale for certain decisions, plus a realistic view of using the methods you chose.   OVERVIEW This is how method fits into your thesis:  | Introduction: introduction of research problem introduction of objectives introduction of how objectives will be achieved (methodology), optional introduction of main findings and conclusions, optional |  | Literature review: review of previous work relating to research problem (to define, explain, justify) review of previous work relating to methodology (to define, explain, justify) review of previous work relating to results (particularly reliability, etc.) |  | Method (how the results were achieved): explanation of how data was collected/generated � explanation of how data was analyzed explanation of methodological problems and their solutions or effects |  | Results and discussion: presentation of results interpretation of results discussion of results (e.g. comparison with results in previous research, effects of methods used on the data obtained) |  | Conclusions: has the research problem been “solved”? to what extent have the objectives been achieved? what has been learnt from the results? how can this knowledge be used? what are the shortcomings of the research, or the research methodology? etc. SOME EXAMPLES OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF RESEARCH  | analysis: classes of data are collected and studies conducted to discern patterns and formulate principles that might guide future action |  | case study: the background, development, current conditions and environmental interactions of one or more individuals, groups, communities, businesses or institutions is observed, recorded and analyzed for stages of patterns in relation to internal and external influences. |  | comparison: two or more existing situations are studied to determine their similarities and differences. |  | correlation-prediction: statistically significant correlation coefficients between and among a number of factors are sought and interpreted. |  | evaluation: research to determine whether a program or project followed the prescribed procedures and achieved the stated outcomes. |  | design-demonstration: new systems or programs are constructed, tested and evaluated |  | experiment: one or more variables are manipulated and the results analyzed. |  | survey-questionnaire: behaviors, beliefs and observations of specific groups are identified, reported and interpreted. |  | status: a representative or selected sample of one or more phenomena is examined to determine its special characteristics. |  | theory construction: an attempt to find or describe principles that explain how things work the way they do. |  | trend analysis: predicting or forecasting the future direction of events. |
WRITING YOUR OWN METHOD SECTION  | Bear in mind the purpose of the method section. |  | Keep notes of what you did, why you did it, and what happened. Some researchers keep research diaries so that they have a record of the methods they used. Make sure you develop some way of recording your work, and that you then carefully select which material to include in your final methodology section. |  | Remember who your audience will be, and be careful not to include unnecessary details. |  | Avoid using "I" to write about what you did. Do not use "we" unless you really were working with one or more other researchers. One way to avoid this problem is to use passive voice. |  | Verb tenses - be consistent, and choose the correct one!
For an example of the Research Methodology Chapter, follow the following link:
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