One of the common views around regarding the use of IT in education is that it provides us with a faster and wider access to sources of learning and the rest of the world. Yet, it costs us a radical cut in the face-to-face interaction, which is considered by many as "de-humanizing". I would say that "digital-literacy' is now emerging as a new branch of literacy.Research may help clarify whether this new kind of literacy has "unfortunately" replaced face-to-face interpersonal skills among "digitally" active people, including teachers,and whether or not it has created a new understanding of teaching and learning.
I do agree with the idea of "school as a living system". in fact, classrooms are a microcosm of the wider living system; the society, the world. That's why when the society go digital, the school has to go digital too. Schools change as much as the wider society does.
However, many researches draw heavily on teacher's professional side. Sometime it's hard to draw a clear line between a teacher's personal and professional qualities. When coming to classroom, they bring both. In many cases, it's the teacher's personal qualities that make us like a particular subject.
Asslmlkm, Pak Dai...
Gmn kbrny? Mdh2n sehat di Mlysia...
Oh y, mslh nilai mhsw untuk mt klh yg kita satu tim di STAIN bgmn, aku kasih bae atau gmn?
Tp aku idk tau gmn dg rincian nilai mid-smstr mrk sm kayo kmrn...
Mkny aku tanyo sm kayo tntg nilai akhr mrk.
Alhmdlh ujian smstrnya udh dlksanakan.
Oh y, "blog"-nyo smkin jauh bae kmajuannyo....
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