Friday, January 16, 2009

For Sem. Va & Vb students: CMD (Part.1)

Hi, how are you.

The semester exam is coming earlier. I know you might be busy preparing yourselves for it. In our classroom meetings we covered the first part of the course i.e. the Curriculum part. Now, here are some ideas on the second part: Materials Development.

As I have mentioned before that Materials Development can be seen from 2 perspectives:
1. As a discipline or a field of study
2. As a practical undertaking

Even thought nowadays English teaching materials are abundant, a careful selection is needed for ones that fit the contexts of teaching. In fact the current School-based Curriculum calls for teachers to develop their own syllabus and teaching materials. Clearly, this is a challenge for teachers.

The following is a good discussion on the issue please read. Click the title of this posting for
the complete version.

Good luck with you exam.

Pengembangan Bahan Ajar

Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan mengisyaratkan pengembangan materi ajar berada sepenuhnya di tangan guru sebagai executor di front line dari harapan-harapan keberhasilan kurikulum ini. Berbeda dengan kurikulum-kurikulum terdahulu, kurikulum KTSP yang dikeluarkan Depdiknas hanya memuat out line dari point-point pokok materi pembelajaranberupa standar kompetensi dan standar isi, sementara detil tentang apa dan bagaimana content dari poin-point tersebut sepenuhnya merupakan keleluasaan guru untuk bereksplorasi danberimprovisasi dalam menterjemahkan, menginterpretasikan, dan mengimplementasikannya dengan memperhatikan muatan lokal dalam arti luas

(selanjutnya, klik judul posting ini di atas)

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